Empty Hexes: 5e Content for DMs

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Fighter NPCs & How to Use Them for Every Tier of Play

If this is your first time reading this series, we’re going through each of the official classes in D&D Fifth Edition and making NPC statblocks inspired by them. They are not intended to be carbon copies of these classes, but rather to simplify your NPCs while maintaining the flavor and familiarity of a full character. If you are curious about this reasoning, you can read the first article in the series on paladins. 

For each of the tiers of play, we’ll make an NPC stat block based on the relevant class. These tiers are a loose way of comparing your NPC’s power level to that of your party. Of course this is far from perfect, but you’ll be able to give the general feel of whether an NPC is over, under, or near the power level of a comparable player character. For reference, those tiers of play are:

  1. Local Heroes (Levels 1-4)

  2. Heroes of the Realm (Levels 5-10)

  3. Masters of the Realm (Level 11-16)

  4. Masters of the World (Levels 17-20)

With the table set, let’s move into our second round of NPCs: fighters!  

Tier 1 Fighters

Tier 1 fighters may be found as allies, quest givers, and main antagonists between levels one and four or as hirelings and minions at later levels. A tier 1 fighter may be a war veteran, leader of a local militia, or an established gladiator. Perhaps they are a part of a renegade band of deserters causing trouble in the countryside. In any case, these are fighters that are somewhat established and experienced, but are not major forces in the setting.  

Customizing an NPC. To customize a fighter of this tier, you can do one or more of the following:

  • Swap out the maneuvers (inspired by  the Battlemaster subclass) for Arcane Shot options (from the Arcane Archer subclass found in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) or Psionic Energy options (from the Psi Warrior subclass found in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything). 

  • Add a couple cantrips and/or first level spells from the wizard spell list to mimic an Eldritch Knight. 

Plot Hooks/Use in Your Game. 

  • An arena or fighting pit is offering a sizable sum to anyone who can beat their reigning champion.

  • A roving tribe of orcs has been harassing a small town, but the captain of the guard doesn’t have the manpower to drive them off. They are seeking volunteers or mercenaries to aid in their plight. 

  • While staying at a local inn, the party is approached by a member of a mercenary group that operates in the area. The mercenary is upset that the party has been operating in his territory, but promises lucrative jobs if they come to work for his organization.

Tier 2 Fighters

Tier 2 fighters are similar to a player character between levels 8 and 10. They are often relatively successful mercenaries, officers in an army, or even former adventurers. While they are most likely to be encountered by a party between levels 5 and 10, they could serve as mentors/employers at lower levels or the henchmen of the powerful and influential at higher levels. 

Customizing an NPC. To customize a fighter of this tier, you can do one or more of the following:

  • Swap out the maneuvers (inspired by  the Battlemaster subclass) for Arcane Shot options (from the Arcane Archer subclass found in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) or Psionic Energy options (from the Psi Warrior subclass found in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything). 

  • Add up to second level spells from the wizard spell list to mimic an Eldritch Knight. 

  • Add a 7th level ability from one of the fighter subclasses (note that this may significantly increase the combat prowess of your NPC). 

Plot Hooks/Use in Your Game. 

  • A mercenary was separated from the rest of their company while delving into a dangerous ruin. They are searching for people willing to finish the job and locate any survivors. 

  • A lieutenant in the local military is looking for a group of freelancers for a reconnaissance mission behind enemy lines. 

Tier 3 Fighter

Tier 3 fighters are most likely to be encountered by PCs from levels 11 to 16, although you may insert them earlier as a potential patron or mentor figure. They may be used at later levels as the allies or top lieutenants of even more powerful creatures. Unless your setting has uniquely powerful NPCs, tier 3 fighters should be pretty rare. They may be the leader of a wide-spread mercenary group, the general of a kingdom’s army, or a famous pirate whose very name strikes fear into the hearts of sailors. 

Customizing an NPC. To customize a fighter of this tier, you can do one or more of the following:

  • Swap out the maneuvers (inspired by  the Battlemaster subclass) for Arcane Shot options (from the Arcane Archer subclass found in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) or Psionic Energy options (from the Psi Warrior subclass found in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything). 

  • Add up to third level spells from the wizard spell list to mimic an Eldritch Knight. 

  • Add a 7th level ability from one of the fighter subclasses (note that this may significantly increase the combat prowess of your NPC). 

  • Add a 10th level ability from one of the fighter subclasses (note that this may significantly increase the combat prowess of your NPC). 

Plot Hooks/Use in Your Game. 

  • A high ranking officer of the military has deserted, bringing with her a number of other defectors. The crown wants her captured so she can answer for her crimes.

  • The kingdom is hosting a tournament, the prize money has drawn competitors from all across the land. One of the fighters is rumored to be the heavy favorite. 

Tier 4 Fighters

Tier 4 fighters are most likely to be encountered by PCs from levels 17 to 20, although you may insert them earlier as a potential patron or mentor figure. A tier 4 fighter is comparable in many respects to a level 20 adventurer, there may only be one or two such figures in your entire setting. They may be the leader of a tyrannical military state, the best warrior in the kingdom, or the retired adventurer-turned-entrepreneur that runs the mercenaries guild. 

Customizing an NPC. To customize a fighter of this tier, you can do one or more of the following:

  • Swap out the maneuvers (inspired by  the Battlemaster subclass) for Arcane Shot options (from the Arcane Archer subclass found in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) or Psionic Energy options (from the Psi Warrior subclass found in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything). 

  • Add up to fourth level spells from the wizard spell list to mimic an Eldritch Knight. 

  • Add a 7th level ability from one of the fighter subclasses (note that this may significantly increase the combat prowess of your NPC). 

  • Add a 10th level ability from one of the fighter subclasses (note that this may significantly increase the combat prowess of your NPC). 

  • Add a 15th level ability from one of the fighter subclasses (note that this may significantly increase the combat prowess of your NPC). 

Plot Hooks/Use in Your Game. 

  • The legendary warrior from a neighboring kingdom has been seen gathering troops by local spies. An attack is feared to be imminent. 

  • A warlord has rapidly been expanding his territory and is now threatening to annex one of the PC’s hometowns. He has an expansive organization that will prove difficult to disrupt.

Up next week: NPC rangers to escort your party through dangerous wilderness or serve as antagonists determined to stop the spread of civilization.