Oozes and Elementals from the Swamp of Oblivion
Para-elementals are sentient oozes, somewhat of a hybrid of the water and earth elementals commonly found on their respective planes.

Storm Giants: Rulers of the Ordning
Storm giants are massive, temperamental giants that reside at the top of the ordening. They are amongst the most physically imposing monsters in the game; they stand over 25 feet tall with a Strength of 29. Their place within the ordening is determined through the appearance and interpretations of various omens.

Cloud Giants: The Strategists and Collectors
Cloud giants are wealthy and powerful giants that hold the second highest spot in the ordening of giantkin. They are strong; with a strength score of 27 they are once again second only to the storm giants in their physical might.

The Metallic Dragons that Fizban Forgot About
While metallic dragons are often neutral towards, or even fond of, humanoids, the chromatic dragons tend to have a different outlook. That outlook being that they should reign supreme over the clearly inferior non-draconic races.

The Chromatic Dragons that Fizban Forgot About
While no two chromatic dragons are exactly the same, they tend to share the belief that they are superior to the other intelligent beings of the world. Some seek to rule over those creatures, while others see non-dragons as little more than food.

Planar Dragons Part II: Paragons of Good and Planar Loners
Of course dragons are great for climatic encounters that put the fear of the gods into your players, but they can be more than that too! Whether you are looking for a social encounter, a party patron/quest-giver, or a staunch ally and mentor, here are six good and neutral aligned dragons from across the planes.

Planar Dragons Part I: Evil Aligned Dragons from Across the Planes
With the release of Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons last week, I thought we would take a break from our series on the different giant types to examine the dragons from previous editions that did not appear within the new book.

Fire Giants: The Smiths and Soldiers
Fire Giants are amongst the most militaristic of the giant types. While frost giants pillage and plunder, fire giants forge and conquer. In addition to their brute strength, they are also skilled crafters, engineers, and tacticians. They live deep within mountainous and volcanic areas, where they utilize lava to heat their massive forges.

Frost Giants: The Raiders of the North
Frost giants live brutal, violent lives as the most dangerous raiders and pilagers in the frozen tundras across 5e. They generally see the crafting and raising of food and supplies as beneath them, preferring to take what others have produced through force or threat of it.

Stone Giants: The Reclusive Artists
Stone giants are an interesting case amongst the true giants. Despite their low ranking amongst the ordening, the stone giants are considered by their fellow giantkin to be the wisest of all the giant types.

Hill Giants: The Big, Dumb, Younger Brothers
Hill giants find themselves near the bottom of the ordening, only ranking above the “giant kin”. In short, hill giants are brutish beings that use their sheer size and strength to hunt and steal food from smaller (and therefore lesser) creatures.